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i have alot in my mind at all times. this is just a way to express my opinions on things.


Why are people lazy?

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Technological Advancements:Instead of going to the store and buying a cd, we have limewire where we can download our music without leaving the comfort of our homes. Instead of going to the bank to check how much money we have, we could just get on the computer and check our account. Our technology is making it so that we don't have to get up and do things. Which brings me to the next topic.
No Exercize: Fast food is getting cheaper so we spend our money on it. Once again technology has made our lives so much easier that we get sluggish. When we start getting lazy, we don't want to get up. Thus leading to no exercize, when we don't exercize our body doesn't get the endorphins that it needs. No endorphins equals no energy equals to laziness.
Conditions: Sometimes the lack of exercize, or stressors, and even genetics can create depression, which can lead to lethargy.
So what can we do? Get a hobby. Visit my zine site @ and read the things to do when bored. Go out. Eat healthy. Exercize!

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